Welcome to
our company

Every product made by Embutidos Larrasoaña is the result of a careful selection process of raw materials, the very best pork, combined with a preparation process that follows strict hygiene and sanitary controls, where the latest technology is combined with the spirit of traditional hand-made methods.
All this to comply with one single aim, the complete trust of our customers in our entire range of products.
We use the following principles to make this objective a reality:

From selection of raw materials
to your table.

Part of our culture and tradition, what has always made us special throughout the years. Larrasoaña Quality, a label we've obtained thanks to our quality certificates and audits to offer the maximum guarantee for our products.

Professionals with a lot of experience and a love for a job well done, preparing the very best for consumers every day.
Commitment to the environment
Yesterday and today our wish is for our consumers to enjoy our products and eat them with pleasure, taste, and in the most natural way possible.

The Government of Navarre has awarded Embutidos Larrasoaña with the Innova RSE 2016 stamp after carrying out the relevant diagnosis and checking that it complies with the objectives for furthering the RSE.